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Ever had a burek???

It’s back to work after a week away celebrating my wife’s birthday in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

We had a great time.

Awesome weather, nice people and loads of things to do.

While we were there we walked the city walls, took a food and drink tour with a fantastic guide called Anna, got a water taxi to a nearby island called Lokrum, chilled out with a few drinks in a small nearby resort called Cavtat and kayaked in the Dubrovnik bay.

It is an awesome place and I highly recommend you visit if you get chance.

There’s also bars and restaurant’s all over the place.

Enough that you could visit a different one each day, every day, for a month.

Dubrovnik is a coastal city, so they are big on seafood, but they don’t shy away from pastries either.

They have this meaty sausage roll type thing made with filo pastry called a Burek, and they are yummy.

And if you are an ice cream fan like me then you are spoilt for choice as well.

As you can tell I’ve enjoyed myself, overindulged slightly and eaten more than I would if I was at home.

I’ve gained a few kg.

I’ve added a bit of fat.

I’m a bit wobblier than before I went.

Am I bothered??

No!! Not at all!!

I knew I was going to over eat whilst we were away.

I knew I would come back heavier than before we went.

I know that high calorie food choices and too many G&T’s are to blame.

But what’s the point on going on holiday if you don’t allow yourself to pig out?

I also know that if I go back to my regular eating and workout habits now we’re home, things will soon return to normal.

I know that I won't maintain the extra few kg’s I’ve gained if I don’t continue to over eat.

And I know that I don’t have to go on a drastic panic diet to get back to feeling my old self again.


Because I’m following the 90/10 Rule.

It’s really simple and easy to follow.

Eat foods that are low in calories, high in nutrients and control my portion sizes 90% of the time.

Like this!!

Eat whatever I like for the remaining 10%!!

And that’s it!!!

The 90/10 Rule is great and works on a weekly or even yearly basis.

Once you know how to make the 90/10 rule work for you, you won’t have to worry about occasions like eating out, weekends away, or even trips abroad.

Put it this way.

How many meals do you eat each week?

Let’s say you have 3 meals a day.

7 days in a week.

That’s 21 meals per week.

90% of 21 is 19. (rounded up)

So, if 19 of your 21 meals are calorie and portion controlled the remaining 2 meals can be anything you fancy.

Or you could look at it like this.

How many weeks of the year do you go on holiday? 2? 3? Maybe 4?

Let’s say 4?

That means you spend 48 weeks of the year at home.

Which is over 90% of your time and less than 10% on holiday.

You can eat what you like and make the most of your holidays.

Yes, you will gain some weight while you are away but once you're home it will drop back off, as long as you switch back to your pre holiday food plan.

It is a great technique to learn and one that will help you maintain a healthy body weight but also leave you able to enjoy a bit of guilt free over indulging when you want to.

These days maintaining a healthy body weight whilst not having to live your life like a social outcast or a perpetual dieter can be difficult.

Low(er) activity lifestyle’s, poor quality, over processed, high calorie foods, more active social lives and a lack of basic nutritional knowledge and skills are all part of the problem.

It can seem like an almost impossible task to achieve balance between your health and actually living your life, but it is possible to do both.

Research shows that flexible eating is associated with lower BMI, healthier bodyweight, less anxiety and stress and a better relationship with food.

If you’d like to learn more about how to develop the skills and knowledge to be able to influence your health and fitness, then drop me a line about my nutritional coaching package.

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